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Manufacturing output grows at fastest for two years

21 August, 2013

British manufacturers have seen a significant rise in production levels in the three months to August, as well as markedly improved order books, according to the latest monthly Industrial Trends Survey from the CBI (Confederation of British Industry).

The survey of more than 400 manufacturers found that firms are expecting an even bigger upturn in the coming three months, with the highest expected output figure since March 2011. Orders and export order books also rose sharply, with total orders at their highest level since August 2011.

Output volumes rose in 12 of the 16 sub-sectors covered, with strong growth being reported in some of the smaller sectors – such as building materials, metal manufacture and electrical goods.

“Manufacturers have seen a real upturn in fortunes this quarter, as output grew at its fastest pace for two years,” says Stephen Gifford, the CBI’s director of economics. “Domestic and export orders have rebounded almost across the board, and manufacturers expect this strength to continue during the next three months.

Gifford: a real upturn in fortunes

“UK manufacturers seem to be experiencing a build-up in momentum,” he adds, “but risks in the global economy still mean that it won’t be plain-sailing for some time to come.”

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