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IMechE appoints its first female CEO

01 September, 2006

IMechE appoints its first female CEO

The Institution of Mechanical Engineers has appointed its first female chief executive since it was established in 1847. Ruth Spellman (below), who has been chief executive of Investors in People UK (IIPUK) since 1998, will succeed Sir Michael Moore, who is retiring after eight years as the IMechE`s chief executive.

"I am very excited about taking on this important new role, not only from a personal point of view, but also as an opportunity to further the reputation of the Institution and mechanical engineering generally," Spellman says. "Indeed, it is a huge responsibility and an honour to be able to lead an organisation with such a history and tradition.

"I am so pleased to be in a position to play an important part in the promotion of engineering, the success of which I recognise as critical to the future success of UK plc," she adds.

Mrs Spellman has an MA in economics from Cambridge University. He career has included stints with the National Economic Development Office and Coopers and Lybrand, as well as seven years as HR director for the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children.

"Ruth will be joining the Institution at a very exciting time as we look to further clarify our strategy for the future against an ever-faster changing world," says IMechE president, Alec Osborn. "Ruth will be bringing to the Institution a wealth of unique experience, a passion for developing people, and strong ambassadorial skills."

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