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KTR ends its coupling to Brown after spat

01 March, 2002

KTR ends its coupling to Brown after spat

The German mechanical couplings manufacturer KTR has ended its 20-year distribution relationship with the Brown Group (formerly Brown Pestell) after disagreements over the way its products were being marketed and distributed in the UK.

"We have been obliged to make this decision, not only to protect our already substantial share of the UK market," says KTR`s UK managing director, Geoff Ancliff, "but also to allow us to provide a more efficient service to our existing users. It will also enable us to develop more new business activities."

The disagreement follows KTR`s decision to set up a UK subsidiary in 1999. At the time, Brown agreed to continue serving its traditional markets for torque-limiting products, and KTR said it would not directly approach Brown Group customers who were already using KTR products.

KTR has now set up dedicated sales and technical teams at its Sheffield head office.

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