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500 fps vision system is `worlds fastest`

10 February, 2012

Cognex has announced a machine vision system that can process images at up to 500 fps (frames/second), making it the world’s fastest and capable of inspecting parts on the fastest production lines, according the company. The In-Sight 500 system is powered by a proprietary vision chip  called Cognex VSoC (vision system on a chip) and can acquire images while simultaneously processing applications at up to 500 fps.

“The speed and simplicity offered by the In-Sight 500 represent a great leap forward in vision inspection technology”, says Bhaskar Banerjee, manager of Cognex’s vision systems business. “With this high-speed vision system, manufacturers can now carry out straightforward inspection tasks much faster than ever before.”

He adds that the system is “ideal for users requiring sub-7ms cycle times. This equates to approximate speeds of 200–300 fps. Users that need simple inspections using blob, edge and histogram to perform their vision applications now have a system that can reach high acquisition speeds that no other vision system can achieve.”

The vision system, packaged in a rugged IP65 housing, can achieve speeds of 100 fps at its full 1024 x 768 pixel resolution, and 200 fps at 640 x 480 pixels. To accelerate the acquisition speed up to 500 fps, it windows an acquired image.

A suite of tools and communication methods is available, including Cognex Connect which supports EtherNet/IP and Profinet, among other protocols.

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