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Servodrive Ethernet support is widened
Published:  05 July, 2010

Baldor has re-engineered its e100 family of single- and three-phase servomotor drives to make them compatible with three industrial Ethernet standards – EtherNet/IP, Modbus TCP and Powerlink – as well as standard TCP/IP networks and Baldor`s own Mint environment. The drives offer a choice of servomotor, closed-loop vector or V/Hz motor control modes.

Until now, the drives have been compatible with Ethernet Powerlink, TCP/IP and Mint. Adding EtherNet/IP and Modbus TCP support will extend their application potential in PLC-controlled applications.

“Our new drives support multiple standards out-of-the-box at no extra cost and without any need for plug-in cards,” says Baldor`s product manager, David Greensmith. “They provide system-builders with a universal drive platform that can be used in many different ways to suit different customers and applications – from standalone motion control systems to networked systems hosted by PLCs or other devices.”

Baldor is also supporting all of the Ethernet networks on its NextMove e100 motion system and machine controller.

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