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Motors start to roll from €20m plant in Spain

01 January, 2004

The first new motors factory to be built in Europe for several years has recently started to produce LV machines at its site near Barcelona, Spain. The €20m AEG plant, at Terrassa, replaces an older factory nearby that was becoming too big and expensive to maintain.

The 22,000m˛ plant, part of the Italian family-owned Lafert group, has the capacity to produce 620 motors a day, compared to 485/day at the old plant. Luca Trevisiol, the managing director, is hoping to average about 530 machines a day in the first year of production.

The plant, which employs about 300 people, will produce single- and three-phase motors in ratings from 0.06-200kW. It will focus on customised motors, which are expected to account for about 75% of its output.

According to Trevisiol, AEG Lafert is the fastest-growing motor company in Europe. Its share of the European market climbed from 1.5% in 1994 to 6.9% by 2002. The UK accounts for 6% of its business (and is growing), and 10% of the group`s revenues come from outside Europe, particularly in the US where it claims to lead the sales of IEC motors.

AEG Lafert set up a UK subsidiary in 2001. According to managing director, Nigel Evenett, the business grew by 45% last year, and he expects a further 30% of growth this year. The UK subsidiary has a strategic relationship with Microclutch Developments of Weston-super-Mare which holds the UK stocks of AEG motors.

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